Sri Aurobindo Divine Life Ashram

Sri Aurobindo Divine Life Ashram is a place dedicated to the practice of the Integral Yoga as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It has been conceived as a place where sincere seekers of God and divine life who aspire to devote themselves to the practice of the Integral Yoga can do so in a conducive atmosphere free of material cares.
The ashram and the education centre have been growing to fulfill the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for a divine life for humanity. As the heart and soul of the place is the shrine of Sri Aurobindo, housing his relics, around this have gathered men and women who aspire for a total and integral consecration of their being and nature to the Divine (seeking to live for a higher Truth which rejects a slavery to the present limited and problem-ridden ways of humanity). The members of this ashram (spiritual community) organise the various activities including a communal kitchen and bakery, bookshop, nursery and gardens. The Sri Aurobindo Divine Life Educatin Centre forms an integral part of the ashram. It draws its teachers from the members of the ashram.
Sincere seekers of divine life who would like to stay at the centre, pursue a life of sadhana and dedicate their lives for this cause are welcome.
Some prerequisites for staying at the Ashram
The first thing that a person should have to stay in the ashram is an intense aspiration for the Divine. In addition he/she should be single, without any family or other liabilities and should be in good health and physically fit and active as this is a place for active and dynamic sadhana. A person who joins the ashram may be given some responsibility according to his/her capacity and interest, one should be willing and happy to discharge one’s services for the Mother.
What kind of persons would find this Centre alien to their purpose
A person who wants to stay at the Ashram with the intention of acquiring mental peace and then, after a stay of a few months or years, return back to his native atmosphere, would find this place not suitable to his purpose. Also the persons who want to join the Ashram with the intention of disengaging themselves from all responsibilities and then peacefully meditating all the time will find this place alien to their object because this is a place for active sadhana.
All expenses of boarding, lodging, medical care and other essential requirements of the sadhaks staying here are met by the Ashram.
Before visiting the centre it is obligatory to get a written clearance by sending full personal details.
For details please write to:
Shri Chandra Prakash Khetan
Sri Aurobindo Divine Life Education Centre
Mira Ambica Bhawan, Khetan Mohalla
Jhunjhunu – 333 001, Rajasthan, India
Tel. (01592) 232887
E-mail: [email protected]